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15 Jahre Mitglied
Das habe ich auf der HP von"Tiere in Spanien" gefunden:

Die Hafenkatzen von Barcelona leben unter elendigsten Bedingungen. Sie sterben an Hunger, werden von Stürmen ins Meer geschwemmt und ertrinken jämmerlich oder werden von riesigen Maschinen überrollt. Sie sind krank, ausgemergelt und ölverschmiert.
Der Hafen ist eine milliardenschwere Gesellschaft die es sich leisten kann, Kastrationsprogramme und Hilfe für knapp 200 Katzen zu zahlen!!
Weiterhin müssen die Tierschützer alles aus eigener Tasche zahlen um diese Tiere zu retten. Aber es gibt Gespräche und wir warten auf einen Bescheid am Dienstag ob es Hilfen geben wird.
Bitte, helft uns schnell mit einer Email an die Verantwortlichen!

Hier findet Ihr 2 Briefvorschläge, anbei die Emailadressen der Verantwortlichen. Wenn Ihr den Brief abändert und personalisiert (die wichtigen Punkte: Kastrationen, Futter, Tierarzt, Umsiedelung!), wirkt es noch mehr, aber Hauptsache ihr mailt SCHNELL damit die Entscheidung beeinflusst wird!
Auch wenn es kurzfristig ist, es dauert nur einen Moment und kann das Schicksal der Hafenkatzen entscheidend verbessern:

Jefe del Servicio de Medio Ambiente - Chef der Umweltabteilung des Hafens
Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona
E-mail: jordi_vila@apb.es

1.Mailvorschlag (als Verein oder mehrere Personen die schreiben)

Through local Spanish societies for the protection of animals we had the opportunity to learn about the cats of the port of Barcelona.
We are terribly shocked about the sad condition of these unfortunate animals and feel a deep solidarity with the worries of the voluntaries of different organizations that try their best to help the abandoned cats of the harbour of Barcelona.
We ask the management of the port of Barcelona to take all the necessary steps to solve the problems of these cats, such as spaying campaigns, distribution of food in appropriate containers and access to veterinarian care, and, most important, adequate placement for the cats.
Spain until now has been a bad example for the treatment of it's animals. We hope that the time has come for Spain to evolve and show that it is able to give it's animals finally a better treatment and more respect.
Please be aware that until we have notice about efforts to better the situation of these cats we will do our best to disencourage people from boarding a cruise to or from Barcelona.


2. Mailvorschlag (Einzelperson

By informations given through our local animal protection society I have learned of the terrible faith of the abandoned cats of the port of Barcelona.
I have to write to you on behalf of these animals, to express my profound worries and my deep concern about these animals. In their name I ask you to help them, to provide them veterinarian care and to finally put in place programs to maintain the population stable and healthy and to provide them with a decent environment apt for cats to live in!!
The cats living between the rocks and the water in the harbour of Barcelona in such painfull conditions should finally receive the help and care they deserve! There is no need for them to drown in salty waters during storms.
The port of Barcelona is a potent company, that should be conscious of the impact this poor treatment of innocent beings has on it's image. Nowadays social and environmental consciousness is being valued by customers and visitors as well. People not only see the image of modernity that Barcelona is trying to embrace - they see the poor treatment of the weakest of society, too, and it is no exception to find people from my country not willing to travel again to Spain because of the cruelty towards animals they have witnessed there.
Please act on behalf of these poor animals NOW!

  • 29. April 2024
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