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Zu dumm, kann leider das Ende nicht mehr lesen - meine Augen sind nicht mehr die Besten Nee, is ja aber egal. Das Wichtigste hat man gelesen - ein Hund auf den England jetzt stolz ist. Und wenn wieder was "negatives" passieren sollte sind es wieder die blöden Kampfhunde und keiner erinnert sich mehr an die heldenvolle Rettung durch die Hündin
Hab ich irgendwas verpaßt oder durcheinander gebracht ?

Im Beitrag steht, das alle Bürger vor der Rettung einen riesen Bogen um den ach so gefährlichen Kampfhund gemacht haben.......ich dachte immer in England ist der Staffbull einer der beliebtesten Familienhunde und Nannydog ???
Das mit dem "Riesenbogen" ist sehr unwahrscheinlich und höchstwahrscheinlich von der deutschen Blödzeitung hinzugedichtet worden.

Im englischen Original steht das so nicht.

Thursday October 27, 07:43 AM
A four-year-old boy who fell down a drain was saved from serious injury by his dog.

Jack Sorrell was walking Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mia with his grandfather near Barnett's Wood nature reserve, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, when he stood on a manhole cover.

It flipped up and the youngster fell feet first into the 4ft drain, but he clung on to Mia's lead with both hands and she stopped him falling to the bottom. His grandfather, Norman Kelly, 46, grabbed 2ft-tall Jack by the shoulders and pulled him out of the hole.

Superdog saves boy in drain fall
Thursday October 27th 2005

Jack Sorell (4) with his pet dog Mia who saved him.

A YOUNG boy who fell down a drain was saved from injury by his dog, writes Anna Farley.

Jack Sorrell (4), was walking Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mia with his grandfather in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, when he stood on a manhole cover.

It flipped up and the youngster fell feet first into the 4ft drain but he clung on to Mia's lead with both hands and she stopped him falling to the bottom.

His grandfather, Norman Kelly (46), grabbed 2ft-tall Jack by the shoulders and pulled him out of the hole. His father Tony Phillips (44), said that if Jack had not been holding Mia's lead he could have been badly hurt. "Jack calls her 'Superdog'. She's a star."

Danke Andreas....

genau das habe ich mir gedacht , na ja, ist klar...die können ebend nicht einfach mal so was nettes Schreiben. Da rettet ein Hund ein Kind, und dann muß trotzdem so ein Seitenhieb kommen, der überhaupt nicht Not tut
Ups, da hab i ja des gleich wie der Andreas gschriebn Kannste löschen.

Es könnt aber auch sein, daß die (deutschen) Redakteure da ein bißchen ausgeschmückt hätten bezüglich der Angst vor diesen/solchen Hund/en.

Originalmeldung is eher trocken:
Superdog saves boy in drain fall
Thursday October 27th 2005

A four-year-old boy who fell down a drain was saved from serious injury by his dog.
Jack Sorrell (4), was walking Staffordshire Bull Terrier Mia with his grandfather in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, when he stood on a manhole cover.

It flipped up and the youngster fell feet first into the 4ft drain but he clung on to Mia's lead with both hands and she stopped him falling to the bottom. His grandfather, Norman Kelly (46), grabbed 2ft-tall Jack by the shoulders and pulled him out of the hole. His father Tony Phillips (44), said that if Jack had not been holding Mia's lead he could have been badly hurt. "Jack calls her 'Superdog'. She's a star."


Puppy saves boy, 4, from injury
A puppy saved its four-year-old owner from serious injury after the boy stepped on a manhole cover and plunged feet first into a sewer.

The accident happened last Thursday when Jack Sorrell, from High Brooms, was holding the Staffordshire Bull Terrier on a walk with his grandfather.

Fortunately Mia the dog pulled forward on the lead and stopped Jack from falling down any further.

Kent County Council denied any blame as the drain is on private land.

But Jack's father Tony Philips said it was the second such incident.

"The lady who lives next door, her husband fell through the same drain hole two months ago and they reported it, but it still hasn't been fixed."

Norman Kelly, the youngster's grandfather, demanded that something be done.

"It's down by a set of garages so it should be able to take the weight of a vehicle, never mind the weight of a four-year-old child.

Jack described the experience as "scary".

His father said it could have been a lot worse because his son suffers from a medical condition where by he can stop breathing if he hits his head.

He added: "Mia's a super dog, she's a star and she's Jack's saviour."

Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2005, 20:24 GMT 21:24 UK

7 October 2005
By Emily Nash

A BOY of four who fell down a drain was saved from serious injury by his devoted dog.

Jack Sorrell was walking Staffordshire bull terrier Mia near woodland with his grandfather when he stood on a manhole cover which flipped up.

The youngster fell feet first into the sewer - but he clung on to Mia's lead and she stopped him from falling to the bottom.

His grandfather, Norman Kelly, 46, grabbed 2ft-tall Jack by the shoulders and pulled him out.

Jack grazed both his legs and was left shaken by the incident, which happened near Barnett's Wood nature reserve in Tunbridge Wells, Kent,

His father Tony Phillips, 44, of Southborough, said that if Jack had not been holding Mia's lead he would have ended up at the bottom of the hole.

"The consequences don't bear thinking about," he said. "If he had fallen down there and banged his head he could have had a fit and stopped breathing, you just don't know."

Jack's mother Sarah Sorrell, 23, added: "He calls her 'Superdog'. She's a star. He keeps trying to find a costume for her, like Superman."

MoPo hat den Einleitungs-Text frei erfunden und hier gelogen. Hat jemand was anderes erwartet?

Übrigens... Rassestandard StaffBull:
Gewicht: Rüden : 28 - 38 lbs (mal 0,45359237 ergibt kg)
Größe: Erwünschte Widerristhöhe: 14 - 16 inches (mal 2,54 ergibt cm)
Der Hund auf dem Foto sieht größer aus als 40,4 cm und schwerer als 17,2 kg, finde ich.

Egal, jedenfalls ist dieser Hund in Deutschland von Gesetz wegen so gefährlich, dass die Familie ihn bei einer möglichen Übersiedlung nach Deutschland nicht mitbringen dürften.

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