Petition: Mann grillt 7 Wochen alte Katze aus Spaß!

So ein mieses Schwein, dem möchte ich knallhart die selber qualen erleiden lassen <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> Habe selbstverständlich unterschrieben was müssen das für perverse Schweine sein, das einen hilflosen Tier anzutun????????????????????
auch erledigt
mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen

Gruß Pepsi
Natürlich bin ich auch dabei und habe es gleich erledigt
Ich schätze mal, solche Idioten gibt es immer und immer wieder...
Erledigt. <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" />
Das kann ja wohl nicht wahr sein, auf dass mit ihm das gleiche gemacht wird!

Auch erledigt

Mich würde es auch interessieren was bei raus kommt....
Gerüchteweise habe ich gehört, daß diese Story ein Fake sein soll - also habe ich mal ein wenig im Netz rumgesucht.

Den folgenden Artikel habe ich bei der Zeitung Kansas City Star gefunden - ich gehe also davon aus, daß die Story (leider) stimmt
Und zudem hat die Dame, die die Katze retten wollte, nun auch noch die *****karte gezogen, weil sie aus Angst vor den Zuschauern dieser Aktion, die dort ebenfalls wohnen, von dort wegziehen möchte/muß...

Bond increased for Liberty man accused of animal cruelty
The Kansas City Star

The bond for a Liberty man accused of being part of a group trying to barbecue a kitten was increased to $25,000 Wednesday at his arraignment.

Clay County Associate Circuit Judge Rex Gabbert said he had increased Charles C. Benoit's bond because Benoit had other outstanding charges, including domestic assault, vandalism and stealing.

"This court are a threat to the community," Gabbert told Benoit.

The full amount of the bond would have to be posted for Benoit to be released, the judge said.

Gabbert also entered a not guilty plea for Benoit, 24, who faces one count of animal abuse, a felony punishable by up to five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. He is accused of shoving the kitten onto hot coals in a grill outside the Jefferson Park apartment complex, where he is a resident.

Benoit, whose bond had been $10,000, was being held in the Clay County Jail. His next court appearance will be July 29, when it will be determined whether he is eligible to have a public defender.

Benoit told the judge that he had been unemployed for two months.

The 7-week-old kitten, whose whiskers were burned off, was euthanized Saturday after a veterinarian determined it had a congenital malformation of the chest cavity.

The tabby, nicknamed Lucky, was pulled from the coals by Sherry Scott, also a resident of the apartment complex. Scott told Liberty police that Benoit was part of a group of 10 or 12 persons surrounding the barbecue grill.

Benoit was the only one she could identify.

Since she came forward, Scott said, she has received threatening phone calls. And Scott, who said she is on disability, wants to move out of the complex, where the onlookers still reside.

One Kansas City, North, resident has set up a fund to help pay Scott's moving expenses. Donations may be sent to the Sherry Scott Saved Lucky Fund, in care of Bank of America, 8320 N. Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118.

To reach Summer Harlow, call (816) 234-5904 or e-mail

How to help

A Kansas City, North, resident has set up a fund to help pay Sherry Scott's moving expenses. Donations may be sent to:

Sherry Scott Saved Lucky Fund c/o Bank of America 8320 N. Oak Trafficway

Kansas City, MO 64118

Reward offered

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, of Norfolk, Va., on Wednesday offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of participants -- other than the man currently charged -- in an incident Friday in Clay County in which a kitten was placed on a barbecue grill. Anyone with information should call the Liberty Police Department at (816) 792-6024.

Hat einer nen Großen Garten Grill ???
Da stecken Wir in auf den Spieß und laden Kanibalen ein

<small>[ 14. August 2002, 02:37: Beitrag editiert von: Sabber Backe ]</small>
jo auch!
das schwein sollte man grillen. <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[EvilGrins]" title="" src="graemlins/eg.gif" />
Schwein!!!!!!!!!!! <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" /> <img border="0" alt="[SoAngry]" title="" src="graemlins/soangry.gif" />

Wäre schön wenn er eine "gerechte " Strafe bekommt.

D <img border="0" alt="[RoteKarte]" title="" src="graemlins/rotekarte1.gif" /> agmar
ebenfalls erledigt

echt pervers!!!!

solche leute sollte man bei lebendigen leib, selber grillen!!!
Sprachlos :eg: :heul:

aber erledigt.

Weiß einer ob es da schon was neues gibt? Ist ja schon etwas älter der Beitrag.

Mönsch, DEN würde ich gerne mal auf den Grill legen!!:eg:
Petition abgeschickt!
Schade daß nur 5 Jahre möglich sind, hätte gerne wesentlich mehr verlangt!
Danke für den Hinweis!


Leider habe ich aus Unwissentheit da auch mal unterschrieben. Die Story ist erfunden, dafür flattern mir täglich mindenstens fünf P.orno, Make Money etc. Spam MAils ins Haus.

Also NICHT unterschreiben!!!!!
Gerüchteweise habe ich gehört, daß diese Story ein Fake sein soll - also habe ich mal ein wenig im Netz rumgesucht.

Den folgenden Artikel habe ich bei der Zeitung Kansas City Star gefunden - ich gehe also davon aus, daß die Story (leider) stimmt Und zudem hat die Dame, die die Katze retten wollte, nun auch noch die *****karte gezogen, weil sie aus Angst vor den Zuschauern dieser Aktion, die dort ebenfalls wohnen, von dort wegziehen möchte/muß...

Bond increased for Liberty man accused of animal cruelty
The Kansas City Star

The bond for a Liberty man accused of being part of a group trying to barbecue a kitten was increased to $25,000 Wednesday at his arraignment.

Clay County Associate Circuit Judge Rex Gabbert said he had increased Charles C. Benoit's bond because Benoit had other outstanding charges, including domestic assault, vandalism and stealing.

"This court are a threat to the community," Gabbert told Benoit.

The full amount of the bond would have to be posted for Benoit to be released, the judge said.

Gabbert also entered a not guilty plea for Benoit, 24, who faces one count of animal abuse, a felony punishable by up to five years in jail and a $5,000 fine. He is accused of shoving the kitten onto hot coals in a grill outside the Jefferson Park apartment complex, where he is a resident.

Benoit, whose bond had been $10,000, was being held in the Clay County Jail. His next court appearance will be July 29, when it will be determined whether he is eligible to have a public defender.

Benoit told the judge that he had been unemployed for two months.

The 7-week-old kitten, whose whiskers were burned off, was euthanized Saturday after a veterinarian determined it had a congenital malformation of the chest cavity.

The tabby, nicknamed Lucky, was pulled from the coals by Sherry Scott, also a resident of the apartment complex. Scott told Liberty police that Benoit was part of a group of 10 or 12 persons surrounding the barbecue grill.

Benoit was the only one she could identify.

Since she came forward, Scott said, she has received threatening phone calls. And Scott, who said she is on disability, wants to move out of the complex, where the onlookers still reside.

One Kansas City, North, resident has set up a fund to help pay Scott's moving expenses. Donations may be sent to the Sherry Scott Saved Lucky Fund, in care of Bank of America, 8320 N. Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64118.

To reach Summer Harlow, call (816) 234-5904 or e-mail

How to help

A Kansas City, North, resident has set up a fund to help pay Sherry Scott's moving expenses. Donations may be sent to:

Sherry Scott Saved Lucky Fund c/o Bank of America 8320 N. Oak Trafficway

Kansas City, MO 64118

Reward offered

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, of Norfolk, Va., on Wednesday offered a $1,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of participants -- other than the man currently charged -- in an incident Friday in Clay County in which a kitten was placed on a barbecue grill. Anyone with information should call the Liberty Police Department at (816) 792-6024.

Hier eine Antwort, die ich bereits auf der ersten Seite geschrieben habe... Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß eine Zeitung da groß drüber berichten würde, wenn es ein Fake wäre....

Wobei ich mich für die Katze freuen würde, wenn es so wäre... :(
Also zu der Meldung weiß ich nix, aber die P.orno-etc.-mails bekomm ich auch und ich hab nirgends unterschrieben!
Dazu brauchst du deine Adresse nicht extra anzugeben, damit solche Leute die rauskriegen...
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