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Harris can end the Trump-Vance culture wars. Here’s how.​

For starters, show what it means to champion the American family.
Now that she has routed on the debate stage, Vice President needs to take the next step and reinforce her campaign’s most powerful theme: That it’s time to end the cultural and ideological warfare — much of it phony, some of it rooted in prejudice — that keeps our nation from solving its most important problems.
She can do this by showing what it really means to champion the American family.
Analysis of last week’s debate properly focused on Harris’s success in demonstrating her presidential temperament and baiting Trump to flights of self-involved, dyspeptic incoherence and fact-free, often bigoted fearmongering.
But the theater of Trump’s meltdown should not distract from the core message Harris sent: “I do believe,” she said , “that the American people know we all have so much more in common than what separates us, and we can chart a new way forward.”
Despite her standing as the incumbent vice president, Harris has transformed herself into the candidate who represents change by speaking to a reality most Americans sense in their bones. Although Trump has been out of office for nearly four years, his angry and pessimistic spirit still dominates the country’s public life. As long as Trump lurks, every controversy will be turned into a culture war, elections will be defined around who hates whom, and actual problems will be left to fester.
Harris is saying: Enough. She is betting, correctly, that a substantial majority of Americans want the culture wars to stop. Between now and Election Day, she needs to demonstrate what peace requires.
Rather unintentionally, has created an opportunity for her to do this. Trump’s running mate is the perfect foil for Harris to show that being pro-family and pro-children requires bringing our warring political tribes together.
Vance has had quite a time of it, trying to explain away his misogynistic language. It’s not just his comments about or his claim that teachers who don’t have kids of their own for education. (That one took this student of the Sisters of St. Joseph and Benedictine monks aback.) Especially revealing was of “women who think that, truly, the liberationist path is to spend 90 hours a week working in a cubicle at McKinsey instead of starting a family and having children.”
He : “They’re all fundamentally atheist or agnostic. They have no real value system.” With God out of the picture, they seek meaning in movements for “racial or gender equity.”
Well. I don’t need to detail all that’s wrong here, but there’s no missing the fact that Vance focused on the women who work for McKinsey and not the men. I also suspect there are more believers in those cubicles than he imagines, and that many see movements for gender and racial equity as quite consistent with the Almighty’s wishes.
It’s difficult to think of a more backward, needlessly contentious and, yes, weirdly sectarian way of approaching the fact that our society does indeed organize work in ways that make it harder for both women and men to live up to their responsibilities as parents. Fighting over gender, ideology, S.exual identity or religion won’t change that. What would make a difference is uniting behind practical steps to achieve a better balance between work and family life, between the economy and community needs.
Tens of millions of Americans don’t enjoy McKinsey-level salaries and sometimes must work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Radical income inequality is a family-life issue. Americans in large numbers can’t afford the child care their work lives require. Many also struggle to help their elderly parents. Our nation other affluent nations in its family-leave policies.
Harris’s opportunity is to move family issues off the culture war battlefield. The fight over will not go away, but opponents of abortion ought to be sympathetic to more help for women who bring children into the world. And a majority, I suspect, would welcome far less meanness in debates over policies toward transgender kids.
What’s clear is that Americans across our divides agree we need to do more to help parents and kids. During the debate, Harris rightly but briefly mentioned the child tax credit and helping young families afford a home. I wish she had talked more about her agenda on leave, child care, elder care and adequate pay for those who work in the care economy.
Doing so in the coming weeks will be a clear answer to critics who say she’s short on policy. She’s not (especially compared with Trump), but more detail on these and other ideas to strengthen the country’s families can only help her with the voters she needs.
“Americans are exhausted with the same old, tired playbook,” Harris said in the debate. Bingo. They’re fed up with a politics that turns us against each other and exploits our discontents. It’s time to heal.
by E.J. Dionne
Manche kleinere US-Zeitungen zeigen mir am Computer auch an, dass sie für Europa aus urheberrechtlichen Gründen nicht freigeschaltet sind - und am iPhone geht es dann doch. Vielleicht hat man mit Apple über Safari immer eine amerikanische IP?
Ok, dann liegt es vielleicht nur daran, dass die Version der Seite für Handys insgesamt weniger gesichert ist. :gruebel:

(Ich habe bisher ‚immer‘ - also so alle 5 Jahre oder so, wenn bestimmte Apps nicht mehr auf dem alten Handy laufen - aussortierte Diensthandys vom jeweiligen Arbeitgeber des GG für kleines Geld übernommen. Das waren bis jetzt, unabhängig vom Arbeitgeber, zu meinem Glück immer iPhones.)
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Alles gute nachträglich :birthday:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch nachträglich- und noch viele schöne Jahre! :)
Late, but from the heart: Happy Birthday to a lovely lady!!
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