Kindheit Kassette mit einer Eule in it!


Hallo zusammen,

Eigentlich weiß ich nicht, wie Sie sprechen Deutsch, so dass ich nur benutzt Google Translate, das zu schreiben, tut mir leid, wenn es gibt viele Probleme in ihm.

Ich suche eine Kassette fur ab vor 15 Jahren, hat es verschiedene Geschichten, aber einer von ihnen sollte eine Geschichte oder ein Lied über eine Eule sein, und während dieser hat es eine rhythmische "hoohoo" Ton in ihr,

So ist keiner da, der etwas von dieser Kassette erinnern kann?!

alles andere hilfreich sein könnten.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


I am looking for a tape from like 15 years ago, it has different stories, but one of them should be a story or a song about an owl, and during that it has a rythmic "hoohoo" sound in it,

So is there anybody there who can remember anything about this tape?!

anything could be helpful. "
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Thanks a lot für Ihre Antwort,
es könnte wirklich so sein, zumindest hoffe ich,
haben Sie jemals gehört, es selbst zu? können Sie mir bitte einige Informationen über sie, von was ist die Geschichte über, oder die anderen Figuren sind ...

"Thanks alot for your reply,
it might really be this one, at least I hope,
have you ever listened to it by yourself? can you please give me some information about it, of what's the story about or who are other characters ..."

Thanks again for your help,
Best regards,
never heard it by myself.

there are different storys about an wild boar, an ant, a frog and a little girl called sybille.
If it`s not do you remember something else?
And is this tape in English or in German?
When did you hear the tape?

If we could have some more informations the search would be easier :hallo:
never heard it by myself.

there are different storys about an wild boar, an ant, a frog and a little girl called sybille.

Thanks for your help,
I still think that this is what I am looking for ... I sent some Emails to suppliers in eBay to see whether they can help me in it or not.
If it`s not do you remember something else?
And is this tape in English or in German?
When did you hear the tape?

If we could have some more informations the search would be easier :hallo:

Thanks for your reply :D

Actually it is in German, and the problem is that I haven't heard that tape by myself,
it's going to be surprise for a friend, and these info. were all the things that our friend could remember! :(

I found another thing, do you think if this one has a chance to be ours?!

Thanks again for you helps,

What you linked, is a book of 2004, so the tape is even younger.
When did your friend hear the tape?
What you linked, is a book of 2004, so the tape is even younger.
When did your friend hear the tape?

Hi again,
Thanks for mentioning the date of that book.

Actually it's been about 15 years ago, or a bit later!
And I can add this part that, the rhythmic "huhuhu" sound that the owl makes, is some how in a sad mood!
I really dont have much more information!
But any way, I have to say thanks to you for being so nice and friendly :)

Best regards,
Is it a song about an owl, or is it perhaps a fairy tail, with the owl as an enchanted princess...?

I know a fairy tail like this, and the owl is very sad - first.
It is called "Kalif Storch". It is a very old "radio play" about the Caliph of Baghdad and his friend Mansor, who buy a powder, with which they can transform themselves into animals...
Here you can listen a little bit, but unfortunately not the part of the owl :(:

Kalif Storch - Wilhelm Hauff: Musik
Is it a song about an owl, or is it perhaps a fairy tail, with the owl as an enchanted princess...?

I know a fairy tail like this, and the owl is very sad - first.
It is called "Kalif Storch". It is a very old "radio play" about the Caliph of Baghdad and his friend Mansor, who buy a powder, with which they can transform themselves into animals...
Here you can listen a little bit, but unfortunately not the part of the owl :(:

Kalif Storch - Wilhelm Hauff: Musik

Thanks a lot for your reply,

Actually I am not totally sure whether its only a song or a story.

I checked the "Kalif Storch", I think its not that one, because it looks like to be for an age range of 10-13, but what I am looking for is a tape for the age of 5-7.

Any way thanks for the suggestion. and I have to say that I liked the story by myself :)
...I have to say that I liked the story by myself :)


So do I.
As a child I listened to the record again and again, knew the text by heart. :love:

I wish you much success in your search and hope that you let us know if you found it.

By the way - where do you come from?

So do I.
As a child I listened to the record again and again, knew the text by heart. :love:

I wish you much success in your search and hope that you let us know if you found it.

By the way - where do you come from?

Thanks, and I will let you know if I could find it ;)

And I have to say that I am originally from Iran, but now I'm in Singapore for a short term project. :)
May be is it this story : ?
The little ghost lives in "Eulenstadt" in a castle named "Eulenburg", his friend is an owl named "Schuhu"
Hi all again,

And thanks a lot for your helps and comments, I got new information about the cassette,
it actually is a children song tape, and there should be a song about a sad owl,

can anyone suggest anything?

Thanks again,
Best regards,
I got it :D
Thanks Mischa, but this song is for 2006, the song that I am looking for is for age range of 5-6 and it was published around 1992.
Congratulations :D

And btw my name is Anne. Mischa is my dog ;)
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