Tierschutz-Verbot für Priester

  • 29. Mai 2024
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#VerdientProvisionen | Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen.
Der Bischof ist sicher kein Franziskaner. Aber er sollte doch immerhin wissen, wer Franziskus war - und einem Franziskaner den Tierschutz zu verbieten bzw. ihn dafür zu bestrafen, das ist schon ne heiße Nummer!

Das müßte man dem neuen Papst zu Ohren bringen!
Wie spricht man den an?

"Your holiness"?
Falls jemand auch dorthin schreiben möchte, darf er mein Schreiben gern als Vorlage nutzen:

Your holiness Pope Francis,

As you might have heard already the Franciscan friar Anthony Burnside has dedicated a large part of his life to help stray dogs in Konjic, Croatia, also giving some local people a job while doing so.

Now his bishop has declared his charity work as "unworthy" and "unthinkable" and forbids him to continue his work.

For more information see here:

This not only jeopardizes the future of poor street animals but immediately threatens more than 60 dogs that are in his care right now.

From all I have heard from you and read about you I trust that you also consider animals worthy of God's grace and believe, that Christian love should also be given to them as part of God's creation, especially from men of the cloth.

Please advise the bishop in question to allow Brother Anthony to continue with his charitable work and please also use your position to create more awareness of animal rights among the people, especially in countries like Spain, Italy and Poland, where the Catholic church has such a great influence.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely
Sonst haben alle Vatikan-Adressen doch ein .va am Ende :verwirrt:

Eine direkte Mail-Adresse für den Papst wird eh nur vermutet, aber vielleicht hilft ja der Postmaster unter

Meine Mail ist leider zurückgekommen :(

Oh, danke für den Hinweis - Meine kam nicht zurück.

Dann geht es halt nochmal an eine Adresse unter Baudisch' Link - Danke ;)

Dann werde ich gleich noch die folgenden Bibelsprüche hinzufügen:

The righteous care for the needs of their animals
Proverbs 12:10

He gives animals their food and feeds the young ravens when they call.
Psalm 147:9

And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?
Jonah 4:11
Your holiness Pope Francis,

As you might have heard already the Franciscan friar Anthony Burnside has dedicated a large part of his life to help stray dogs in Konjic, Croatia, also giving some local people a job while doing so.

Now his bishop has declared his charity work as "unworthy" and "unthinkable" and forbids him to continue his work.

For more information please see here:

This not only jeopardizes the future of poor street animals but immediately threatens more than 60 dogs that are in his care right now.

From all I have heard from you and read about you I trust that you also consider animals worthy of God's grace and believe, that Christian love should also be given to them as part of God's creation, especially from men of the cloth.

For the bible says:

The righteous care for the needs of their animals
Proverbs 12:10

He gives animals their food and feeds the young ravens when they call.
Psalm 147:9

And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?
Jonah 4:11

Please advise the bishop in question to allow Brother Anthony to continue with his charitable work and please also use your position to create more awareness of animal rights among the people, especially in countries like Spain, Italy and Poland, where the Catholic church has such a great influence.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely

Ich habs mal an den Kardinalstaatsekretär geschickt und den Postmaster ankopiert.
Postmaster ging durch, die an den Kardinalstaatsekretär kam als unbekannt zurück... :verwirrt:
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