Abandoned dogs in Tuzla at gunpoint hunters.


10 Jahre Mitglied
Let's violate the law or just ignore it, but not for the benefit and safety of citizens, but to charge the Union budget Hunters LD "Tuzla", Tuzla. On a tip from a settlement of cittizens from village Moluhe Miss Aida Hodzic we get information and fotos of shooting dogs in the village of Tuzla Moluhe.
We quote a letter sent to the e-mail the Association for the protection, rights and care of homeless animals in BiH "CANIS AND FRIENDS":

"Here in the attached pictures of the massacre, they were killed on Sunday, 13 March
2011th about 9h30 by an older "hunter" in the immediate vicinity of our house (50m). The same happened to Monday 14 March 2011th midday on the "sand", where a neighbor found the dog in the stream channel, and it buried the source of infection. On one picture you can see a wounded dog that we could not get any closer. Neighbor Sandra Djuric, and suspicion that her dog Sonny, vaccinated with pedigree cocker spaniel also been killed since Sunday did not appear.

I have contacted the Association of hunters LD Tuzla Tuzla, Secretary Fejzić Suleiman told me that in any case not allowed to correct any inhabited place, and that they "only" doing the hunting, which is located on the borders of the municipality of Tuzla .. . A written letter will be sent to him tomorrow, where I noted the following names call hunters assigned to two groups seen around our house: Dragan Djuric, Djuric Ivica Djuric Charles, etc.

Police also notified. The Alliance is calling for hunters to have the right (do not know by whom) to do in given areas in order to prevent security of Tuzla Citizens of stray dogs. "
The manner in which the hunters carried out by hunting dogs was more dangerous to care for residents and their children, that some dogs were shot in the street in the direction of sandblasters (from great distances), where some dogs are just wounded and in such condition they left. These dogs are far more dangerous for residents and only now is their fear of dogs, 100% justified.

We note that this is not the first time that hunters are killing dogs in this neighborhood. 28.Oktobra.2010g. at 22:40 h was carried out hunting dogs. Unfortunately the only witnesses were scared dogs and fired five bullets that could have been heard in the street in Tuzla Admir Dedic Moluhe settlement.

And if they were familiar with the Law for the Protection of Animals Association Hunters LD Tuzla in Tuzla H. Aida by Mr. Secretary. Suleiman Fejzić received information that hunters do not dare to kill dogs in a populated area, but are to get an order. We wonder from whom it can get a warrant except by the Municipal of Tuzla.

As usual responsible people in Tuzla Municipality violate the law and that there fore not criminally responsible. Hiding and using it as an excuse for existing Shelter for abandoned dogs in Tuzla. Which give the miserable financial aid, and refuse to cooperate with other associations for the protection of animals .Which are offered together with the municipal government went to humanely solve the problem of street dogs.
Municipal authorities in Tuzla, continue their dirty game.
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und Europa schaut zu.....:heul::heul::heul:

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