Pressebericht aus Washington


ein Freund aus Texas hat mir eben diesen Bericht zugeschickt - vom Juli letzten Jahres ! Für mich sieht das nicht so aus, als ob das Thema Kampfhunde in Deutschland erst seit Gestern in den USA bekannt ist.

Dogs as Scapegoats for Social Problems

By Judy Mann

Friday , July 7, 2000 ; C11

The killing of a 6-year-old boy by two attack dogs has
created a firestorm of hysteria in Germany that is
symptomatic of growing stresses between Germans,
imported Turkish laborers and the German underworld.
Within days of the June 26 attack on the Turkish child
by a pit bull and a Staffordshire terrier, the German
government passed laws banning three breeds: pit
bulls, American Staffordshire terriers and
Staffordshire bull terriers. Many of Germany's 16
provinces then passed their own laws banning various
breeds of attack dogs and restricted ownership of up
to 30 other breeds. Owners of the restricted breeds
are required to have permits and to leash and muzzle
their dogs. They also face heavy licensing fees, and
dog law violators are subject to steep fines and jail

As a result, owners have been dumping dogs at shelters
across Germany, a country that loves its dogs. In
Hamburg, where the attack took place, shelter
facilities filled up with more than 300 dogs, and 90
have been euthanized, according to Max-Klaus Frey, a
lawyer who owns a Turkish livestock guardian dog known
as a Kangal and who runs an Internet mailing list,
"Friends of the Livestock Guardian Dog."

Attack dogs have become a growing problem in Germany.
The animals are favored by Turkish workers, young
toughs, drug dealers, pimps and skinheads, and there
have been a number of attacks on humans. Frankfurt
tightened its rules in 1997 after an attack dog killed
an elderly woman. Bavaria has banned a small number of
breeds since 1994, said Frey in a phone interview, and
"if any fighting dog is detected, the whole might of
Bavarian authorities is going against him."

But in other parts of Germany, Frey said, authorities
have ignored the problem of attack or fighting dogs,
which have become increasingly numerous in crowded
city slums. In Hamburg, he said, "they didn't pay
attention to this problem for years, and now who was
the first to have the most severe regulations?"

The pit bull involved in the death of the boy had
attacked three dogs in April, and the owner had been
ordered to keep it leashed and muzzled. The man, who
is Turkish, and a woman companion were arrested after
the attack for failing to leash and muzzle the pit
bull. The owner faces possible manslaughter charges.
Hamburg has one of the most extensive lists of banned
and restricted breeds.

Dogs on the list of restricted animals include the
three groups of Ovcharkas and the Kangal, large dogs
bred to guard livestock over many square miles of

Readers of this column know that my husband and I own
a Middle Asian Ovcharka, the lovely 105-pound Norma. I
discovered what was going on in Germany through an
Internet mailing list I subscribe to because of her.
Postings on the list describe an atmosphere of
hysteria and fear in Germany, which Frey confirmed.
Dog owners are uncertain what to do.

"If I drive 10 kilometers, I have to abide by
completely different laws," he says. Furthermore, laws
are being passed so rapidly that there aren't enough
experts--people who know how to identify the different
breeds or their mixes--to enforce them. These laws
also regulate all dogs that stand taller than 15.7
inches and weigh more than 44 pounds, and that means
that for the first time, the revered German shepherd
is being affected. This has brought the powerful
Association for German Dogs into the controversy.
There is pending litigation over the laws.

Politicians, Frey said, are shooting from the hip.
What's behind the legal frenzy are serious social
problems involving slums, gangs and foreigners.

"It's very difficult to get permission to wear a
weapon. So all these groups are armed by these special
dogs," he said.

The attack occurred in a slum that has a high
concentration of these dogs, Frey said. The problem is
further exacerbated, he said, because during the last
decade Turks have smuggled Kangals out of Turkey and
into Germany, hoping to sell them for a lot of money
and then finding that people with money don't want
these big dogs. "I saw a poster that shows fighting
dogs, and it says, 'You can kill us, but your social
problems will stay on.' You cannot solve our social
problems on the backs of these dogs."

The media are fanning the anti-dog hysteria. People
walking dogs are being accosted in the streets. One
animal, identified as a bull terrier or a Bordeaux
Dogge, was set on fire with kerosene and killed, and
two others were knifed. There are also reports of
people attacking dog owners.

At the moment, Frey said, there is no possibility of
sensible discussion. He warned that when certain
breeds are banned, other breeds will start being
trained as attack dogs or fighting dogs and that
differences between dangerous breeds and breeds that
can be reliably socialized by responsible owners and
breeders will disappear.

Germany is not alone in trying to deal with dangerous
dogs. Italy, France and Great Britain have banned
certain breeds, and there is support for standardizing
regulations for the European Union. But what Germany
has right now is a mess, brought on by years of
inaction. This is not very different from the
situation in the United States, where we continue to
have maulings and killings but have yet to have a
sensible discussion about how to protect people and
safe dogs from dangerous dogs.

Banning certain breeds may be part of the answer.
Enforcing laws against dog fighting is another. We
should consider laws that require owners to
demonstrate that they know how to manage a dog, just
as we do with drivers of cars. We need to understand
that livestock guard dogs need farms to live on, not
two-bedroom apartments. We can learn from the German
debacle and take intelligent, informed and enforceable
steps to make sure that man's best friend is not again
caught in the middle and turned into a scapegoat for
social problems and human irresponsibility.




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Hallo Salsa,

Wenn Du mal auf die Seiten

gehst, wirst du sehen, daß die Amerikaner sehr früh erfahren haben, was hier los ist......

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Liebe Grüße



In every Bully lives a little Frankenweenie
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