Petition für koreanische Hunde


20 Jahre Mitglied
beiliegend findet Ihr einen Artikel der WSPA (World Society for the
protection of animals), der einen Besuch auf dem berüchtigten
Moran-Market in Süd-Korea beschreibt. Dort werden Hunde und
Katzen unter unglaublichen Umständen für die Liebhaber von
Hundefleisch bzw. Heilmitteln feilgehalten.

Darin wird auch berichtet, daß Samsung die WSPA-Bemühungen

Hier eine Petitionsadresse:

Wer noch zusätzliche Informationen möchte, hier ein koreanischer
Link - nur für gute Nerven:


Article by WSPA

South Korea
A WSPA investigation has revealed how Korea's ruthless appetite for
dog meat is perpetuating extreme cruelty to these companion animals in
Southeast Asia. A belief in the meat's mythical aphrodisiac qualities
has made its consumption very popular. Pet Respect Manager Trevor
Wheeler travelled to Moran Market where he found abysmal conditions
for dogs awaiting death. "There must have been in the region of 2,000
dogs present," Wheeler explained. "We witnessed them being dragged off
on ropes to their death, and could hear them being killed." The
animals arrive at the market on delivery trucks, and are unloaded into
small cages where they await selection and death. Piled heavily on top
of each other they are unable to stand, sit or move, and some have
broken limbs. Trevor Wheeler saw puppies thrown into holding pens from
the back of delivery trucks, obviously injured as they fell. Although
a slaughter was not witnessed due to violent resistance by Koreans,
examination of the carcasses revealed that the dogs are probably
hanged. Some stalls displayed whole dogs whose coats had been
blow-torched from their bodies, while others sold grotesquely
dismembered body parts. Temporary 'dog-food' restaurants line the
market place. "You can buy your favourite dog dish and eat it on-site
whilst the animals are barking and howling in agony around you," told
Wheeler. Cats are sold for another purpose. They are packed live into
large pressure cookers, boiled to the point of liquidation and drunk
as an elixir to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. The Korean Animal
Protection Society, KAPS believe that it should be illegal for Koreans
to eat dogs at all. "Dog is man's best friend, and it is not a
traditional food in Korea. Their consumption has increased since
1980, when it was vigorously promoted as a health food by dog dealers
to make money," said spokesperson Kyenan Kum. While animal welfare
laws in Korea shelter livestock from abuse, dogs are categorised as
domestic animals and escape all protective legislation. During his
stay in Korea, Trevor Wheeler met with the Korean Government to
discuss possible steps towards reforming welfare laws to give domestic
animals the same protection that livestock have. He stated, "It is
WSPA's belief that the first step in the battle to overcome this
cruelty is to press for amendments to legislation. Although this would
mean accepting the slaughter of dogs for food at first, they would at
least be humanely processed." Through humane education, we may
be able to show the Koreans how unnecessary the consumption of
companion animals is. WSPA have persuaded the Korean government to
take part in talks to amend the existing legislation. WSPA has also
secured the support of the Korean electrical manufacturer, Samsung,
who are a major sponsor of Crufts Dog Show. Samsung, who manage
various canine activities in Korea, including Guide Dogs for the
Blind, Pets As Therapy (PAT) Dogs, and Search & Rescue Dogs, have
agreed to form an alliance with WSPA with the aim of ending the
misery of companion animals.


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  • 12. Mai 2024
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Hi watson ... hast du hier schon mal geguckt?
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Reaktionen: Gefällt 26 Personen
#VerdientProvisionen | Als Amazon-Partner verdiene ich an qualifizierten Verkäufen.
leider dürften die Informationen über den Moran-Market in
koreanisch etwas schwer verständlich sein. Deshalb hier ein
englischsprachiger Link:
mit einer ausführlichen Dokumentation.
Ist erledigt, gleich die "ganze" Familie!


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