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“The battle for ” is underway, and it “has not reached its maximum scale," Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said Thursday.
“Every day, the heaviest fighting takes place in that part of Ukraine and more is to come, unfortunately,” Kuleba said at a press conference in Brussels.
“Russia has its plan, we have ours, and the battlefield will decide the outcome,” Kuleba said.
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Die russischen Soldaten brauchen Handys der Ukrainer, um nach Russland telefonieren zu können…
…und können damit dann lokalisiert werden


Lviv, Ukraine (CNN)At least 30 people, including two children, were killed after Russian forces carried out a missile strike on a railway station in eastern Ukraine that was being used by civilians trying to flee the fighting, a regional official said Friday.
Tetiana Ihnatchenko, a spokeswoman for the region of Donetsk where the attack took place, said that first responders had confirmed the initial casualty figures and warned the numbers were likely to rise. At least 100 injuries have been reported so far.
Local police said in a statement that the rockets struck a temporary waiting room, where "hundreds of people were waiting for the evacuation train."
"This is another proof that Russia is brutally, barbarically killing the civilian Ukrainians, with one goal only -- to kill," the mayor of Kramatorsk said in a statement.
The mayor said that some 8,000 people per day were going to the station to evacuate during the last two weeks. As many as 4,000 people were there when the missile struck.
The Kremlin has not yet commented on the allegations.
The eastern city of Kramatorsk was to be targeted by the Russian military when the invasion of Ukraine was launched on February 24. Ihnatchenko said Ukrainians had been using the train station since late February to evacuate the region.
"The Russians knew that thousands of people are there (at the train station) every day," she said.
Two missiles struck the station, according to the head of Ukraine's national rail system, Oleksandr Kamyshin. Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of Donetsk regional military administration, said the Russian military used Iskander short-range ballistic missiles.
CNN Chief International Anchor Christiane Amanpour said the attack was reminiscent of one on a marketplace in Sarajevo during the war in Bosnia, where "ordinary civilians were massacred as they just went about their business."
Amanpour said such attacks on civilians tend to harden Western resolve and could push the European Union to enact even more sanctions on Russia. Brussels has already five rounds of sanctions against Russia since it invaded Ukraine.

The EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, condemned the "indiscriminate attack," while EU President Charles Michel called it "horrifying."
"This is yet another attempt to close escape routes for those fleeing this unjustified war and cause human suffering," Borrell said.
Borrell and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are scheduled to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this week in Kyiv.
The attack comes as Russian forces are preparing for a massive operation in eastern Ukraine to take the contested region of Donbas, Ukrainian authorities say.
Donbas is home to the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, two separatist enclaves that Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized as independent shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine.
For almost eight years, the two regions have been the site of a low-intensity war between Russian-backed separatists and Ukrainian forces. More than 14,000 people died in the fighting, and now Kyiv is bracing for more casualties.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said the "battle for Donbas" is already underway. He said that the fighting there will be reminiscent of the destructive battles during World War II, as Moscow's offensive could involve "thousands of tanks, armored vehicles, planes, artillery."
British intelligence assesses that Russian troops have "fully withdrawn" from northern Ukraine to Belarus and Russia, and many could be transferred to eastern Ukraine to fight in Donbas. Ukrainian military officials also say they have observed a buildup of Russian forces to the east.

CNN Updated 1057 GMT (1857 HKT) April 8, 2022
In Stuttgart rollt ein prorussischer Autokorso. Ich schwanke zwischen Wut und Fassungslosigkeit.
Brotbrücke Ukraine -->> Eine Hilfsaktion des Atelier Ernährungswende gUG mit Unterstützung der Freien Bäcker e.V.

Der Angriffskrieg Russlands auf die Ukraine hat lebenswichtige Versorgungsstrukturen zerstört. In vielen Regionen des Landes fehlt es den Menschen an Lebensmitteln und viele hungern. “Die Lage für die Menschen in der Ukraine hat sich durch die erbitterten Kämpfe dramatisch zugespitzt”, so Martin Frick, Direktor des Welternährungsprogramms (WFP) der Vereinten Nationen in Deutschland...

Jakub Kotowicz, polnischer Tierarzt

What do we need now?
Our capacity has run out and the problems are growing. We are on duty for several hours at a time. We sleep little and work a lot. We have run out of space in the dog and cat hospitals, including the temporary ones. We need to quickly organize additional space for more wards of the temporary hospital to accommodate even more feline and canine patients from Ukraine in need of help, and social space for volunteers from abroad who wish to come and physically support us. Our warehouse is filling up, and we need more employees to operate it, and we need to organize new shipments from there on an ongoing basis. Everything indicates that the conflict itself and its consequences will directly affect the tragic welfare of animals on the Ukrainian side of the border for many more months. We need more funds to cope with the tasks the world has put before us so that we can continue to provide effective and professional help for as long as possible. Be with us. Thank you!

If you can, please set up ongoing support. It's much needed support for us and reassurance for the days ahead:
Rehabilitation Centre of Protected Animals
ul. Zamoyskiego 15,
37-700 Przemysl
Santander Bank Polska S.A:
27 1500 1634 1216 3005 4390 0000
Transfers from abroad Swift: WBKPPLPP
IBAN: PL27150016341216300543900000
Kreis Stormarn/Schleswig-Holstein informiert

Informationen zum Umgang mit aus der Ukraine mitgebrachten Heimtieren - Інформація щодо поводження з домашніми тваринами, привезеними з України

During a United Nations Security Council meeting on Monday, Ukrainian Ambassador to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya read aloud a letter from a Ukrainian child written to his dead mother.
Kyslytsya told the council that the letter was made public in Ukraine “several days ago” and was written by a nine-year-old boy after his mother was killed by Russian soldiers.
Kyslytsya, who spoke to the Security Council in English, read the letter as follows:
Kyslytsya said the boy’s mother was killed by Russian soldiers when they tried to escape from their Russian-occupied town by car. The boy stayed in the vehicle until local residents were able to rescue him and take him to a shelter, the Ukrainian ambassador said.
“Such letters should not have to be written. If they are, it means that something has gone terribly wrong, including here at the United Nations,” Kyslytsya said.
“It would mean its mechanism of maintaining international peace and security aren’t working properly and should be fixed. But could they be fixed while Russia is allowed to use the rights of a permanent member? If we are not able to stop the Kremlin, more and more children will become orphans. More and more mothers will lose their children," the ambassador read.

CNN Updates
In Mariupol wird ja von bis zu 20.000 getöteten Zivilisten gesprochen.
Ein kleiner Teil von (der, der nicht so rational ist und daher gern mal vergisst, dass unser eingreifen den dritten Weltkriege bedeuten würde) fragt sich wie zur Hölle wir da einfach zusehen können.
Ich finde das so unglaublich schrecklich.
Es heißt, es seien Streuminen abgeworfen worden. Und es hätten Leute Vergiftungserscheinungen, was den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen bedeuten könnte.

Bisher beides unbestätigte Meldungen. Aber wenn es stimmt, dann ist wirklich die Frage, wie die Welt da immer weiter tatenlos zuschauen kann.
Ich habe im Fernsehen gesehen, wie ein russischer Panzer scheinbar mit Absicht über einen fahrenden, ukrainischen PKW gefahren ist. Wie durch ein Wunder hat der Fahrer überlebt. Zivilisten haben ihn aus dem Wrack befreit.
Dass man "anonym" aus der Entfernung eine Bombe abwirft oder schießt, okay, schlimm genug, aber mit Absicht einen einzelnen Menschen mit einem Panzer platt walzen?

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