Welche Serien schaut ihr regelmäßig?

Ich hätte auch zugeschlagen und wäre dann weg gelaufen
vitaly selbst meint in der Beschreibung, er wär fast erschossen worden..

aber könnte auch ein Handy sein..oldschoolzombie vs. handyzombie :D

Ich [DEL]hätte auch zugeschlagen und [/DEL]wäre [DEL]dann[/DEL] weg gelaufen

ich kenn dich und habs mal gefixt :p
Das ist ein Reflex mein lieber Gugl, da kann ich gar nix für
Also ich schaue Arrow, Walking Dead, 24 Live another day, und ab herbst werde ich mir noch gotham und flash reinziehen :)
Ich bin auf CONSTANTINE gespannt...
bei amazon spanien gibts gerade alle vier spartacus-staffeln für 55 euro incl. versand (blu ray), deutsche tonspur ist drauf und ist im gegensatz zur deutschen ausgabe uncut ;)

Es ist wichtig sich auf die Zombieapokalypse vorzubereiten.
Ich mag überraschenderweise Bates Motel, das sie grad auf Vox bringen, total gern, hab mich sogar so sehr gegruselt das ich mich in Groll vergraben hab. Bin gespannt wie die weitergeht!
Bates Motel finde ich auch sehr gut. Das haben wir im Maerz geguckt und ich hoffe, dass es eine zweite Staffel geben wird.

Und Max Thieriot (Dylan) ist ja auch nicht zu verachten :D
nune, weisste noch, daß ich mal fragte, warum das got-publikum eigentlich hautpsächlich weiblich ist ? und ich wusste nie, was mich eigentlich so stört an der Serie. jetzt weiß ich es, die folgende rezi bringt es genau auf den punkt, auch wenn ich nicht alles teile :D


von ray, united kingdom


Season One:

By episode 5 in season one I was ready to turn off G.O.T all together as its just SO BORING and drags so much.

I am a huge fantasy fan, have the books, games, films and really was looking forward to watching G.O.T but after the first season alone was already so board and unengaged by the terrible acting and story line.

Season 2 and 3:

I pressed on through the entire of season 2 and 3 with people telling me it gets a LOT BETTER and get more exciting, sadly however that is NOT TRUE AT ALL really in my opinion it just gets worse and keeps getting worse.



I expected a fantasy series about dragons and knights and powerful armies and kingdoms, instead the entire of G.O.T is actually based around women and women's problems.

We have women been raped / women planning treason / women sleeping with her brother / women losing children / women getting pregnant / women falling out.

There are just far too many female characters and every time a camera hits one of them we have a 10 minute waffle about how she feels and what her children mean to her, really about 50% of the show is just women speaking about women problems and sure its kills all the action, when you THINK G.O.T is about to get good (wow some action) it just cuts back to another women speaking about periods or pregnancy and skips entire battle scenes and plot lines just so we can have more female speeches.


The plot line of G.O.T really is bad in my opinion, take some other well know series as an example:

ROME - For example had about 3 or 4 main story lines

LOST - Again 3 or 4 main plot lines

G.O.T - About 40 confusing all over the place plot lines

In the first 3 seasons of G.O.T we are introduced to about 5 different towns and cities, about 15 different families and factions, about 5000 different women, there are just far TOO MANY plot lines, it makes the entire program too "JUMPY" one second your on one side of the realm dealing with one families issues then BANG seconds later your 500 miles away dealing with an entirely new subject, BANG second later your over the narrow sea dealing with an new subject or new person, then BANG you back again to a new family and new issue.

Its like a game of tennis but with 50 tennis balls at once, there is NO plot line to game of thrones (none basically) its just a mish mash of plot lines thrown together and it just to jumpy to watch, like stated above it starts getting good (you think) then bang it flicks to some 10 minute boring scene about a women talking about her problems, then before that is even resolved BANG your back again to an entirely new scene hundreds of miles away.

By all means watch it the scenes change so much and the plot lines change so much just gives you head ache watching it all, by season 3 I was actually fast forwarding all the 10 minute women talks about pregnancy and children and their problems, just hit fast forward as could not face more of the same droll rubbish.


I am so shocked by this every G.O.T fan keeps ranting on about how good the cast is and how good the acting is but I can tell you now in 3 entire seasons there has not been even one stand out performance (not one) the acting is terrible, no really glorious moments, no real high action or daring awesome performances.

Like stated someone pulls out a sword says a few simple words like "I'm going to kill you peasant" then bang the scenes changes and we have another 10 minute women talk about babies or how she is feeling today.

I do not even like a single character, they are all bad basically (all of them) and anyone who does show any promise at all, anyone who might actually pick up a sword and use it dies anyway, is almost like the writer said.

"Oh wait that character is leading somewhere, that character might have to fight soon, dam that means I have to bother with a battle scene and to actually resolve a plot line, I know instead I'll kill him in a 10 second scene and then we can get back to the sloppy love stuff and female talk because that is what people want boring droll 3 seasons of bad writing and bad acting"


The death scenes in G.O.T again are perhaps some of the worst I have ever seen in any series, why?


You have the king of the horse warriors Drago, this huge hulking man who has never been beaten in combat, we spend all of the first season watching him ride around acting hard, we then have this huge speech about how he will conquer the entire 7 kingdom, for anyone who has seen this episode its the one where Drago dances around the fire screaming he will destroy the 7 kingdoms and go round raping women all with his new wife stud in front of him listening, then within 1 episode (after his big heroic speech) Drago is dead from a scratch on his chest, you kill the king of the horse warriors with a scratch, how bloody boring what a waste of a good character.

Then we hit Rob Stark again he rises to power, he meets an awesome wife, he wins some battles that we never even see him fight or win, sure that right Rob Stark won 3 battles and we did not even see him fight once, all you see is Rob Stark marching somewhere, then it shoots off to another womens problems story for 10 minutes, then were back to Rob Stark and he has won the battle by all accounts and is now marching away, his death also sucked BIG TIME the king of the north rubbed out in a 1 minute wedding scene, it was not even a fight just a boring generally upsetting assassination where more women than men get killed basically, the writer kills off 3 main characters in a boring 1 minute scene.

Don't even get me started on king Barathion killed by a pig, the king of the entire 7 kingdoms killed by a pig, what the hell is going on?

1 king killed by a pig

1 king of the north killed in a 1 min assassination

1 king of the horse warriors killed by a scratch

Why the hell did Drago not die fighting a war or fighting a dragon, why did king Barathion die or a pig and not because of treason, why does Rob Stark die without even one good battle scene from him.

I can easily spoil all of G.O.T by saying:

Yes everyone dies and there all boring quick deaths with hardly any action whatsoever.

Who cares who dies next in a silly TV program, by all accounts people do care and they call them G.O.T spoilers, well let me spare you because there is nothing to spoil, the death scenes are so boring and so quick with such little plot lines that they have very little impact at all, the deaths scenes in G.O.T are very bad indeed, good characters totally wasted with bad droll endings.


Just far far to many and for too long, like stated by season 3 I was just fast forwarding 10 minute S.ex scenes and women's problems talks, as sure you see about 30 seconds of light porn (not real porn, not real S.ex scenes) just 30 seconds of mild stuff followed by 10 minutes of talking whilst they lay around naked.

This really did ruin the entire series for me on a grand scale, it is far to loved up for my taste, far to many fake / badly done S.ex scenes where the writer always feels the need to elaborate such scenes making them last way to long, like stated 30 seconds S.ex 10 minutes talking about it, what a droll set of scenes they are


Sadly this is not a fantasy or action type of show its basically an entire series about women's and family problems, its like Coronation Street or East Enders with a few baby dragons added, apart from the acting in general TV soaps is probably a little better than G.O.T.

When people say FANTASY you automatically think elves / dragons / orks / magic / you do not think women's problems family issues and S.ex scenes so sorry but its not a fantasy show at all in any respect, its a boring political show about family and women's problems

I raise my flag to game of thrones as BS
Nur weil du die Story nicht verstehst weil du nicht schaust und wenn, dann zwischen Folgen einfach mal MONATE liegen, heißt das noch lange nicht das das eine Frauenserie ist oder das sie schlecht ist. Du kommst einfach nicht hinter (her) :p

G.O.T - About 40 confusing all over the place plot lines

Und das ist kein Minuspunkt sondern ein Fetter Pluspunkt den ich auch nur bei dieser Serie kenne :love:
Nur weil du die Story nicht verstehst..


Und das ist kein Minuspunkt sondern ein Fetter Pluspunkt den ich auch nur bei dieser Serie kenne :love:

gabs genau so schon bei Denver und Dallas. :p
gabs genau so schon bei Denver und Dallas. :p

DAS ist exakt die Schublade, unter der ich GOT mittlerweile abgelegt habe. Nach allem, was ich an Ausschnitten gesehen und Kommentaren gehoert/gelese habe: Nope, ich werde die gekauften Buecher auf dem Kindle nicht lesen, nope, ich werde die Serie nicht gucken. Risiko, dass ich was verpasse? Gut moeglich. Egal. Risiko, dass ich mich ueber 3 Seasons aergere, um mich anschliessend aufzuraffen, aufzugeben, und mich noch 3 weitere Monate ueber die verschwendete Lebenszeit zu aergern? Extrem vorhanden. Nicht egal.

gabs genau so schon bei Denver und Dallas. :p

DAS ist exakt die Schublade, unter der ich GOT mittlerweile abgelegt habe. Nach allem, was ich an Ausschnitten gesehen und Kommentaren gehoert/gelese habe: Nope, ich werde die gekauften Buecher auf dem Kindle nicht lesen, nope, ich werde die Serie nicht gucken. Risiko, dass ich was verpasse? Gut moeglich. Egal. Risiko, dass ich mich ueber 3 Seasons aergere, um mich anschliessend aufzuraffen, aufzugeben, und mich noch 3 weitere Monate ueber die verschwendete Lebenszeit zu aergern? Extrem vorhanden. Nicht egal.


bleibt natürlich trotzdem geschmacksfrage. ich würd mich nicht unbedingt auf die aussagen dritter verlassen, nicht mal auf meine. :D

ein paar gute sachen hat sie trotzdem...einen glänzenden dinslake mit köstlichem sidekick, einen super vorspann und einen sehr furchterregenden feind im norden (aber bis da mal bewegung reinkommt :rolleyes: ). und zwei babydrachen und ne hübsche blondine. :p
Die Drachen sind keine Babies mehr


Dinklage ist grandios

Und der Feind im Norden hat sich (mit einer angepesteten Ex-Freundin und ihren Kumpanen) verdoppelt.


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